Fluoride is a mineral that is renowned for its ability to strengthen teeth and prevent the onset of cavities. When teeth are exposed to fluoride regularly, it integrates into the enamel, the outer protective layer of the teeth, making them more resistant to acid attacks from bacteria in the mouth. This integration not only helps reduce the risk of cavities but can also reverse early signs of tooth decay.

Fluoride treatment is easy, quick and comfortable. During your visit, one of our skilled hygienists will apply the fluoride preparation to your teeth using a swab, brush, tray or mouthwash. The entire process typically takes just a few minutes. After the application, we ask that you avoid eating or drinking for at least half an hour. This period allows the fluoride to fully absorb and start its work strengthening your tooth enamel.

Everyone can benefit from fluoride treatments, but they are particularly important for certain individuals. If you or any family members have a history of frequent cavities, consume a high-sugar diet, have gum disease or experience dry mouth conditions, additional fluoride could be a crucial part of your dental care regimen. Children, who are still developing their oral hygiene habits, are excellent candidates for fluoride treatments as these can instill a foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth. Adults can benefit significantly as well, especially if they have existing dental restorations or are at increased risk of dental decay.

Taking a proactive step towards protecting your teeth is easy with fluoride treatments in Post Falls, Idaho. We invite you to call 208-773-5121 or visit our dentist, Dr. Scott Johnson, to discuss how you can include this treatment as a part of your routine dental care. Our team is here to provide you with personalized care and address any concerns you may have about fluoride treatment or any other dental services we offer at Optima Dental Care.